The IT Project Approval Board (IT PAB) is responsible for the portfolio of IT projects and programs including all IT projects and programs at The University of Queensland. The primary function of the IT PAB is to assess, approve and prioritise, or decline new project and program proposals. Meetings are held each fortnight.


The IT PAB has authority to:

  • Approve or decline all UQ virtual project and program proposals, inclusive of IT components within non-IT projects. 
  • Determine suitability of proposals in the context of the UQ virtual landscape and architecture.
  • Direct proposals for further SME review. 
  • Authorise and prioritise ITS resource allocation and scheduling for projects and programs. 
  • Determine required oversight and governance of virtual projects and programs across UQ. 
  • Consider, approve, and prioritise virtual projects and programs for inclusion in any virtual submission to the Capital Management Group (CMG); subsequently authorise allocation of approved CMG funds to virtual projects and programs within IT capital portfolios; authorise changes to budget allocations for virtual capital projects and programs within IT capital portfolios. 
  • Authorise changes to schedule for all virtual projects and programs where changes impact ITS resource allocation, virtual capital budget allocations, or other project performance indicators.
  • Formally close virtual projects and programs.
  • Review submissions endorsed by other UQ committees and/or refer submissions to other UQ committees or functional area executives to ensure appropriate endorsement.

Review criteria

Members will review each project and program proposal against some or all of the following criteria:

  • Submissions comply with relevant UQ and IT policies and procedures, including approved IT standards and frameworks.  
  • There is evidence of requirement for the proposal, and the proposed solution is appropriate for the identified requirement.
  • The proposal supports the execution of the Technology Master Plan or UQ Strategic Plan.
  • The proposed solution does not introduce overlap in functionality with existing solutions.
  • The proposal has clear support from a local executive sponsor, and (or) business owner.
  • The estimated cost is realistic, and the budget source is identified.
  • The cost is commensurate with the expected benefits.
  • Key stakeholders have been identified and engaged; change impact is understood and managed.
  • Required roles are appropriately allocated such as a qualified project manager and technical lead. 
  • Necessary resources have been appropriately identified.
  • Project effort and duration has been realistically scoped.
  • Dependencies on other projects have been identified and planned.
  • Impact on ITS resources and established initiatives and projects/programs is manageable.
  • Appropriate planning for benefit and risk identification and management is evident.
  • Appropriate governance is planned or in place.


  • Chief Information Officer (Chair) 
  • Director, Infrastructure Operations, ITS
  • Director, Customer Support Services, ITS
  • Director, IT Governance & Investment ITS
  • Director, Enterprise Technologies ITS
  • Director, Higher Education Technologies
  • Director, Cyber Security, ITS
  • Senior Manager, IT Portfolio Management Office (Secretary)

Meeting processes

  • IT PAB meets fortnightly; members and guests attend in person or remotely.
  • Quorum is 60% of filled voting positions. 
  • Out of session PAB meetings are managed via SharePoint.
  • Meetings can be cancelled at the discretion of the CIO or delegate chair. 
  • Submissions may be approved, not approved, or asked to return with further information.  
  • IT PAB records are stored via SharePoint and access is managed by the PAB Secretary.
  • The PAB terms of reference will be renewed annually. The terms are subject to consultation with ITS senior managers and the Information Technology Policy, Risk and Assurance Committee (IT PRAC).
  • All submissions on the IT PAB Agenda, including closure reports and variations, can only be included through an IT PAB member's endorsement (i.e. SMG member responsible for the relevant project portfolio. The SMG member then uploads the document to the IT PAB site). 

Contact IT Governance for more information and to enquire about attending. 

IT PAB - important dates

IT PAB meeting datesSubmission documents due date *
Thursday 11 July 2024COB Monday 08 July 2024
Thursday 25 July 2024COB Monday 22 July 2024
Thursday 08 August 2024COB Monday 05 August 2024
Thursday 22 August 2024COB Monday 19 August 2024
Thursday 05 September 2024COB Monday 02 September 2024
Thursday 19 September 2024COB Monday 16 September 2024
Thursday 03 October 2024COB Monday 30 September 2024
Thursday 17 October 2024COB Monday 14 October 2024
Thursday 31 October 2024COB Monday 28 October 2024
Thursday 14 November 2024COB Monday 11 November 2024
Thursday 28 November 2024COB Monday 25 November 2024
Thursday 14 December 2024COB Monday 09 December 2024

* All submissions on the IT PAB Agenda, including closure reports and variations, can only be included through an IT PAB member's endorsement (i.e. SMG member responsible for the relevant project portfolio. The SMG member then uploads the document to the IT PAB site).