Our key goals

Our goals form the basis of the Enterprise Information Technology Strategy and will help us achieve UQ’s vision of ‘knowledge leadership for a better world’.

These core goals will define our priorities for the next three years, and while the objectives under each goal may evolve, the following goals will remain constant from 2021-2023.

  1. Enhance UQ’s research, teaching and learning capabilities by developing sector-leading IT solutions that meet the needs of the UQ community, at a cost that UQ can sustain.

  2. Continue the transition to an agile, responsive way of working. We will engage with and support the University, providing leadership and guiding decisions on information technology to help UQ achieve its goals.

  3. Digitise the UQ environment to improve service delivery, increase operational efficiencies and deliver valuable, integrated services to the University community.

  4. Manage UQ’s information to ensure it is inherently valued, trusted, and used ethically and effectively by appropriate members of the UQ community.

  5. Adopt a holistic, broad-based and sustainable approach to cyber security encompassing technology, processes and people. Reduce and manage cyber security risks to enable effective research, teaching and community engagement.

  6. Adopt a One UQ approach to delivering valuable, streamlined IT services that are easy to use and meet the diverse needs of the UQ community.


Download the Enterprise IT Strategy (PDF, 7.1 MB)