Roof Rectification Program
Project background
UQ maintains over 600 individual buildings across 34 sites. The University has been working through condition reviews of our buildings in response to rain and flood events in February–March 2022. These reviews have identified over 120 buildings requiring roof rectification work, which have been logged on a roof register with Property and Facilities.
Property and Facilities have a dedicated Project Manager resource to ensure the Roof Rectification Program progresses in a timely manner.
The project manager is working closely with consultants and contractors to identify the root cause of a roof's failings, combat each individual building's structural complexities, understand the materiality of each roof and to work around weather events.
The ability to create an accurate program timeline is impacted due to these many variables.
Find out more
For information about this project, contact PF Assist:
- Call: +61 7 3365 2222
- Email:
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