Goods and services tax (GST)
Contact the Tax team in Corporate Finance if you have questions about goods and services tax.
GST on supplies by the University
When invoicing a third party, there are broadly four categories of GST on supplies applicable to the University. Refer to the UQ GST Treatment Table (PDF, 109 KB) for more detail of when to use which GST code.
If a single transaction contains multiple transaction types, split the transaction into two separate lines, each with different tax treatment ID, when entering the invoice details.
Refer to the VAT functionality information sheet (PDF, 762.5 KB) for more information in using the VAT codes in accounts payable and receivable modules in Unifi.
This table summarises GST categories; refer to the UQ GST Guide (PDF, 529.4 KB) for detailed explanations and the Unifi Tax Treatment ID to be used.
GST category | GST rate | UniFi Tax treatment ID |
GST taxable supplies | 10% | SALE |
GST-free supplies (including exports of services, freight, insurance) | 0% | FREE |
GST-free supplies (for export of goods not subject to GST) | 0% | EXP |
Halls of Residence at Gatton Input taxed supplies | 0% | ITAX |
Deposit received (specific criteria apply, refer to the UQ GST Guide (PDF, 529.4 KB)) | 0% | FREE |
Out of scope supplies or transactions (Internal Service Charge (ISC), ARC/NHMRC Grants) | 0% | EXCL |
OneStop transactions
These GST codes are to be used for OneStop transactions:
GST category | GST rate | OneStop tax treatment |
GST Taxable supplies | 10% | S1 |
GST-Free supplies | 0% | S2 |
Input taxed sales | 0% | S3 |
Exports without GST | 0% | S4 |
Out of scope transactions | 0% | S5 |
GST on acquisitions by the University
The University can claim GST credits for the GST-included amount in a purchase, provided the criteria listed in the UQ GST Guide (PDF, 529.4 KB) are met.
If a single transaction contains multiple transaction types (e.g. a GST-able and a non GST-able component), then it should be split into two separate lines (each with a different tax treatment ID) when entering the invoice details.
The majority of transactions in the University would generally be processed using the following Tax Treatment ID in Unifi:
GST category | GST stated in the invoice | UniFi Tax Treatment ID |
Ordinary acquisition / Capital acquisition | Yes - 10% | AO / AC |
However, there are a number of instances in which GST input tax credit cannot be claimed, hence different codes are required.
Refer to the UQ GST Treatment Table (PDF, 109 KB) for more detail of when to use which GST code.
Refer to the VAT functionality information sheet (PDF, 762.5 KB) for more information on using the VAT codes in Accounts Payable and Receivable modules in Unifi, based on the training provided by FBS at the launch of the new GST (VAT) functionality
GST Category | GST stated in the Invoice | UniFi Tax Treatment ID |
Private Use [mainly for non-employee entertainment charged to account 707450] | Yes | AOPU |
GST-Free acquisition | No | FREE |
Deposit Paid | Specific criteria apply,
refer to UQ GST Guide. |
Supplier with no valid ABN | Yes | Refer to the UQ GST Guide (PDF, 529.4 KB) to determine requirements. |
Supplier with no valid ABN | No | AOPU |
Student Refunds | No | RFND |
Other: Internal Service Charge [ISC] Transactions | No | EXCL |
Input taxed ordinary acquisition / Capital acquisition - for Halls of Residence at Gatton Only | Yes | AOIT/ACIT |