Most finance information is on the Current staff website. This section contains specialised information on certain topics for finance staff:

Forms and resources

Forms and resources for finance staff. Staff login required.

Policies and procedures

Search the Policy and Procedures Library (PPL) for Finance policies and procedures.


Fringe benefits tax, goods and services tax, and balance sheet reconciliations

Budgeting, forecasting and reporting

Budgeting and forecasting workbook, strategic funding, reporting, management reporting, chart of accounts.

Grants and funding

Making changes to projects, invoicing, financial statements and reports, creating donation projects, audit requirements.

Maintaining the UniFi asset register

Asset details, adding assets, cost adjustments, transferring and retiring, changes to register, searching, listing, and depreciation.


UniFi modules and batch process schedules in UniFi.

Access Gartner resources and training

We have subscribed to the Gartner Finance Leadership Council for Midsized Companies, which includes access to finance tools, resources, and CPE-accredited training.

Finance and Business Services intranet - Finance staff only

Intranet for Finance Staff (staff login required).