The teaching and learning program aims to progressively uplift UQ’s online environment to provide students with seamless, digitally integrated learning experiences.
The following initiatives are scheduled to take place in 2021:
Progress the Enterprise Applications Strategic Enhancements program (EASE), focusing on strategic, enterprise-level student and financial systems. This includes improving the student timetable system and enhancing UQ’s shorter form credentials capabilities.
Deliver enhancements to the curriculum management system (as part of the Curriculum End-to-End Program), focusing on delivering course profiles, developing a program planner and automating progression and graduation checks.
Continue to uplift UQ’s community engagement (as part of the My.UQ digital environment program), focusing on collaboration tools for both staff and students, and a mobile application. For more information, read the Digital enablement discussion paper (PDF, 734.2 KB).
Migrate Blackboard to a cloud-based environment to improve the stability and scalability of this vital eLearning service. In addition, the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) program will commence work to integrate functionalities provided by UQ Extend and iMark.
Improve the reliability of audiovisual systems in teaching spaces as part of IT’s AV replacement and digitisation program.
Learn more about key projects:
Curriculum End to End Program (CEEP)
The Curriculum End to End Program (CEEP) is delivering an integrated, digital tool set enabling staff to collaboratively and accountably create, manage and evolve UQ's comprehensive curriculum.
In 2020, CEEP delivered the initial release of Jac, the curriculum management system, new components on Programs and Courses website to display program requirements and continued the development of the Program Planner.
In 2021, the program delivered Program Planner v2 which leveraged codified program requirements from Jac to enable students to plan their enrolment to meet program requirements. The team also engaged with students, academics, and professional staff to identify requirements to enable the management of course profiles in Jac. These requirements were used to build a prototype of the interface for Course Coordinators, engage the vendor on required enhancements, establish a schedule for delivery and confirm the feasibility of the design.
There were two core focuses for CEEP in 2022: Build Phase for course profiles, and delivery of the Validator. The first release of the Validator, an extension of Program Planner v2, enabled staff to do progression checks within Program Planner Admin portal.
The next release of Validator, due in the first quarter of 2023, will enable graduation checking for student cohorts. This functionality will be interactive, enabling staff to drill into the records of individual students from the cohort selection, and integrated with the SI-net Graduation module.
The program will also deliver the 'Launch' phase of Jac Course Profiles in 2023. This will include extensive change management to support the transition from ECPS to Jac for the management of course profile content, delivery of a new web design for published course profiles in Drupal 9, and extension of Jac functionality.
Enterprise Applications Strategic Enhancements Program (EASE)
In 2020, the Enterprise Applications Strategic Enhancements (EASE) program significantly enhanced and simplified UQ’s applications. This included improving processes, modernising services and providing additional functionality to support UQ’s strategic initiatives, such as shorter form credentials.
The EASE program uses an iterative approach to technology investment, enhancing existing assets where appropriate to create efficiencies and new capabilities, and providing a cohesive platform to uplift UQ’s technical environment. This approach improves quality and provides an integrated, smooth student experience while also reducing administrative workload across UQ.
In 2021 EASE will continue to focus on strategic enterprise student and financial systems (according to the priorities of product owners), such as timetabling improvements, shorter form credentials enhancements and implementing the outcomes of the student fees project.