Gatton Sewerage Treatment Plant


(Image: Exisiting STP)

The Property and Facilities Division are currently developing a new Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP) on Gatton Campus.

The existing STP at Gatton is owned and operated by UQ and was built in the 1940’s by the US Army. Now over 80 years old, the STP has been experiencing a significant number of breakdowns and emergency repairs over the past couple of years. Due to the repair requirements, compliance issues and the plant requiring a significant amount of manual labour to operate, the plant will be decommissioned.

The development of a new and improved Sewerage Treatment Plant at Gatton Campus will enhance the reliability and efficiency of the plant and allow continuity of this critical service to 2045 and beyond.  Additionally, the STP will increase plant automation, reduced operator attendance requirements and improve OHS and environmental compliance.

(Render: New STP Design)

The project will see the development of a new Sewerage Treatment Plant in addition to a new control/operational building and back-up power system.

The STP is currently under development at the north of the main campus, across the Warrego Highway adjacent to the existing Sewerage Treatment Plant and construction is expected to be completed by late 2022.

Through the project timeline, there may be intermittent noise and road closure disruptions.

Please refer to the UQ Property and Facilities Division Road and buildings works page for updates on site plans, disruption notices and potential road closures.

Program Management Office

If you have any questions please contact: